Blocker Lacey
Flags: There may be images/galleries that failed to load, announcements, flexpage,
Student Course Resources
This year, students will be working through the Microsoft Teams platform for our class content. Their course calendar and classroom communications take place within Canvas and Teams where detailed assignment information is shared with students in the calendar or as an announcement. While parents cannot access these platforms, students have accounts which can be accessed via Launchpad, a single-sign on provider. When accessing Launchpad off the CPSB network, students will be prompted to sign in with their CPSB username and password before their dashboard opens. Students are always encouraged to email me directly if they have questions.
Parent/Guardian Course Resources
Classroom policies regarding grading and late work can be viewed HERE.
Course Communications
Parents and legal guardians can receive CPSB BB Comms communications via email and text messages if the student contact information is up-to-date and accurate. Please ensure that a parent/guardian number is listed in the "Student Cell Phone" field in the Student Progress Center. The field appears on the “phone” page as you confirm your student’s information each year. If you’ve already updated the information, you can recheck this field by selecting “Student Registration Update.” You can visit SPC HERE to make any needed changes to your student's information to receive email and text messages.
Teacher Contact Information
Feel free to contact me at Please allow up to 48 hours for a reply.